Be better than your competition with Predictive Intelligence.

Prophet™ combines five core intelligence banks together to ensure that every decision is made with confidence, connection and immediacy.

High-Powered Mathematics

Historical Organisational Analysis

Historical Organisational Analysis

Quantify the historical impact that your entire marketing and organisational mix has had on your bottom line; from Google to out-of-home advertising, Prophet™ contextualises your performance against thousands of macro-economic variables.

Media Deep-Dives

Media Operational View

Media Operational View

Deep-dive into the granular insights behind your media performance; understanding the contribution to your bottom line, the influence media has on organisational efficacy and more.

Diminishing Returns

Diminishing Returns

Diminishing Returns

Prophet™ mathematically computes diminishing returns across the entire channel mix; taking into account ROI requirements, share-of-voice and competitor and marketing activity.

Brand Mathematics

Brand Mathematics

Brand Mathematics

Connect the dots between channel-to-channel performance, and allow Prophet™ to unlock channel, creative and brand activity and its influence on not just the bottom line, but other channels as well.

Predictive Intelligence

Realtime Predictive Intelligence

Realtime Predictive Intelligence

Predict future scenarios; from one day to one year, and allow Prophet™ to provide weighted planning recommendations, all the while ensuring that you control both the media expenditure, and the macroeconomic environment you're predicting within.

Custom Reporting

Custom Reporting with Analytics+

Custom Reporting with Analytics+

Create and define your own reports ensuring with access to the Entire Prophet™ library; from modelled data, to raw data and the entire Prophet™ Repository. Answer the questions you want answers to.

Prophet™ Library

Access to 000's of Data Points

Access to 000's of Data Points

Prophet™ brings in thousands and thousands of macroeconomic variables from the world's most reliable sources; from ASX prices, to population movement, to commodity trading and more. Updated daily to ensure Prophet can re-model daily.